Tips to succeed at the MPACT jobfair:
A real fear many employers have is: if a candidate won't take the effort to prepare and strive to impress at a jobfair, that the candidate may be perhaps be a slack employee once hired.
Candidates are asked to finalize preparations on their resume. Please bring 20-40 resumes with you and be dressed to impress at the MPACT JobFair. MPACT reserves the right not to allow candidates in the jobfair who wear inappropiate attire.
Warning: all wearing shorts will be asked to leave.
Arrive early and please be patient. If lines form, to help connect more employers with candidates, MPACT will send employers out to the lines to collect resumes. At previous jobfair, some candidates have met with 5 employers before they even got inside the jobfair.
The MPACT JOBFAIR is like a treasure hunt. Over 40 employers are located throughout the Pinehurst building. Candidates need to strive to meet with every employer and provide them their resume and not just limit their visits with employers they are familiar or have commercially marketed products.
MPACT Skilled Maintenance Jobfair opens at 4pm July 19th goes until 7pm. So 3 solid hours of gold mining!
Detailed directions can be found at