1-Did not bring enough resumes. Recommended to bring at least 20-40 resumes.
2-Arrive in too casual attire. Being too casual can be construed as lack of interest or ambition to attain the job. Suit and tie recommended.
3-Only meet with employers who market to consumers. While lines form for Miller, Goodyear, many times candidates will walk past Degussa Stockhausen and other companies whose names are not commonly known. Recommended to talk to all exhibitors at the MPACT JobFair.
4- Arrive too late to spend quality time with employers. The MPACT JobFair starts at 4pm and goes until 7pm. Recommended to arrive at 3:30 pm to meet with employers while fresh.
5-Expect employers to call them. Over 800 candidates are anticipated to attend this event. Each candidate should take it upon themselves to pursue opportunities by persistently following up with desired employers.